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Sunday, April 5, 2009

student drawings of edo

conte drawing by susan delaney
this was one of two poses for a painting that was done over several sessions.....i actually did both poses for this piece, which is a university student's work

the image above  is of dean smale's painting "ode to edo"

graphite drawing by brenda draney
below a painting by tessa nunn

Sunday, March 8, 2009

when naked is not enough

don't restrict yourself to your own wardrobe,she said.suggesting that i check out my wife's closet as well and the missus got down to business and picked out three dresses, we  (actually, i) spent some time at the ironing board and off i trudged.
the concensus zeroed in on the red dress and the universe unfolded as it should.
they are barely visible, but check out the red toenails

on the top is the drawing by one of the students; don't you just love the expression of ennui?
and no, no sex, no nakedness, just great (art?), just a great character study

naked - not a selfportrait - by edo

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

my art work

my artwork can be seen by visiting

to read my poems , vignettes and other writing,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

the panties project